Payment Mission to MARS!

Earth is filled with full of payment systems, centralised to a decentralised approach. We must ask ourselves what is next and will we be prepared for an inter-planetary payment system.

2 min readJan 7, 2021

Our species have been curious about space, with another life form, or aliens, and how did we all ever come to exist.

Is it the Big Bang theory or a Supernatural event, or a power unknown to us?

Although things on earth have grown from one generation to another, from tiny organisms to micro-living organisms and Homo sapiens to grown human beings, we need food, money, clothes, and shelters to survive today as we speak. How will we ever survive if we have to move to another planet or space, and in what mode will we adapt to travelling and money transactions? Will it only be about the survival of the fittest?

Only the richest will make it, or is there another way to become rich and defeat the fashionable system.

As we keep growing, do we ask ourselves what is next? What is ahead of us, are we indeed prepared and ready for new, improved life and existing among the upcoming AI and cyborgs or superhumans, who all can travel in space and time? Do we need to deal with different ‌currencies?

Are we ready to see payments travelling at light speed? Assuming it can go across the oceans and other planets. Can this change the way we see things across the world and bring us all together and still be future-ready? Just imagine one day you wake up and the way we see money has changed for the world.

Stay tuned for more information and follow us for more.
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